Swedish market

Sweden – a special market

How come Sweden is such an important market for sellers and producers of alcoholic beverages?

First of all, Sweden has a government controlled monopoly for selling alcoholic beverages. In this way we are not unique – Finland, Norway and even some provinces in Canada among others also have a monopoly on alcohol sales. But for Sweden, it means that aside from private imports there’s essentially only one buyer and importer of alcoholic beverages for home consumption to cover a nation of 10 million people:

Systembolaget – A government owned retail chain with 448 stores, online ordering and approximately 480 additional locations for in-person orders and pick-ups.

Many of our 10 million citizens are also quite fond of wine – with an annual average consumption of 26 liters per person, which puts us in the top 12 nations in the world. Although this paints Sweden as quite an enticing market – there are a couple of considerations when it comes to marketing and selling alcoholic beverages in Sweden:

1. The Swedish monopoly thoroughly restricts the type, form and content when it comes to marketing and advertising alcoholic beverages. And these regulations are neither clear nor simple.

2. To get new products on the Swedish market, you generally have to reach the Swedes so they request them – because if there are enough individual requests, they will. Just waiting for Systembolaget to find your product organically is a total gamble.

And this is precisely why we exist. We not only have proven expertise in advertising and marketing, certified and documented knowledge of alcoholic beverages in general – and wines in particular – but we are also experienced with the local regulations and laws on how to advertise or market them. Not to forget, as both Swedes and wine-lovers we live and breathe the culture and society where the product is sold – quirks and all. That’s what Tannin is all about.